scanEZ Review:
Can't live without scanEZ
By Jens Polster
at SP Integration GmbH
Rating: 5 out of 5.
Since I've first used scanEZ I can't imagine working without it anymore. Not only is it a huge time saver, but it also enables me to do things very quickly which were very hard to accomplish without the tool.
Most recently I have used scanEZ's document analyzing features very heaviliy. I was analyzing a customer application with tens of thousands of documents and needed to understand the document structure. (I was preparing an export of all documents and needed to do consolidate and otherwise modify the data extensively.) scanEZ allowed me to easily group documents by field values or even @Formula expressions, test @Formula expressions on single or groups of documents or to compare multiple documents side by side. Without scanEZ I would have had to build and constantly modify views which would have been much more time-consuming.
Apart from these features scanEZ offers a variety of other tools like a really good conflicts solver, a document analyzer to find orphaned documents or documents containing reader and author fields, searching for documents by UNID, NoteID, @Formula expressions, full text index and many more.
If you are working as a Notes/Domino admin or developer, you should seriously consider taking a look at scanEZ and Ytria's other excellent tools. The lite version of the tools is free, so go and take a look.